Feature flags with Symfony2

Jan 08, 2012Blog

Feature flags is a really common design in modern web applications and is heavily used by startups. It permits you to enable/disable features for some users or groups of users. It’s really handy if you want to deploy to production a feature for testing purpose in order to have data on how your infrastructure reacts in a live environment.

Let’s have some fun and try to implements a simple feature flags design in your Symfony2 project without writing too much lines of PHP. Sure, we will use the as complex as powerful Security component for that. I won’t dig deep inside it, so you’ll better be well versed about roles and roles hierarchy.

What we want for this project is three types of feature groups: ‘alpha’, ‘beta’ and ‘prod’. I want the admins of my website to have access to the alpha/unstable features, the beta testing group to the beta features and all the oser users to all the rest of my application.

We can express this by using role hierarchy:



Thus, anyone whom is granted the FEATURE_ALPHA role will have access to all
the features and the other groups won’t have access to the “lower” features.

This is a rad way of defining who have access to what, but currently,
it’s not supported by the SecurityBundle because only roles prefixed by
ROLE_ are supported by the current voter.

So, we need to define a new voter that supports the newly created FEATURE_*
roles. Is it complicated? Hell no. Add this to your bundle xml configuration:

“` xml Acme/Bundle/AwesomeBundle/Resources/config/config.xml


This simple piece of xml will register a new voter based on the actual role
hierarchy. The difference is that this voter will be specialised in the
`FEATURE_` prefixed roles.

Now, we need to specify in our user class how the roles will be distributed:

``` php
// You can implement your own logic there, be inventive.
public function getRoles()
    if ($this->isAdmin) {
        return array('ROLE_ADMIN', 'FEATURE_ALPHA');

    if ($this->isBetaTester) {
        return array('ROLE_ADMIN', 'FEATURE_BETA');

    return array('ROLE_USER', 'FEATURE_PROD');

From now on, the user class will be able to tell wich roles he has, and the
Security context will be able to vote on them. The only thing left to do is to
“secure” parts of your application.

In your templates:

{% if app.security.isGranted('FEATURE_SUPER_SECRET')) %}
    {# bla bla bla #}
{% endif %}

or in your controllers:

public function indexAction()
    if ($this->get('security.context')->isGranted('FEATURE_SUPER_SECRET')) {
        // do stuff

or your routes thanks to the built-in firewall:

yaml app/config/security.yml
path: ^/my/route/to/my/feature.*$

Here we are! You enabled feature flags in your project with a few lines of PHP
and 5 lines of XML. Have fun!
